Chestnut Spinney Gallery: 2014

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 Trophy Cam Gallery

An Ex-Plum Tree

Overflowing Pond

Jan (2): Overflowing Pond
Another Casualty

Feb: Another casualty
Feb (2): Snowdrops
Pot of Gold?
Feb(3): A pot of Gold?
Visitors for BreakfastMay: Vistors for breakfast
Blue tit parenting and happy result
Fledgling wren
Mist over the lake
Young tawny owl
Moon at it's closest                     July(2): Moon at it's closest Nuthatch
Autumn Sun
Stoatally Fun Part 2

Home|About Us||Image of the Month |Nature NotesSpecial Image of the Month
Gallery 2007-2009|Gallery 2010 | Gallery 2011| Gallery 2012 | Gallery 2013 |Gallery 2014 | Gallery 2015 | Gallery 2016 | Gallery 2017
 Trophy Cam Gallery