Chestnut Spinney Gallery: 2011

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 Trophy Cam Gallery
CSH Apocalypse
January 2011: CSH Apocalypse
Long Tail Tits
Feb 2011: Long Tailed Tits
Frog Migration
March 2011: Frog Migration
Daffodils and agnolias
April 2011 (1): Daffodils and Magnolias
Baby Robins
April 2011 (2): Baby Robins
Baby Badgers
May 2011 (1): Baby Badgers
Baby Long Tail Tits
May 2011 (2): Baby Long Tail Tits
Angry Fledgling
May  2011 (3): Angry Fledgling
Chartered Accountants
Jun 2011:Chartered Accountants
Bold Baby Badger
Jun 2011 (2): Bold Baby Badger
Black Squirrel
Jun 2011 (3): Black Squirrel
Five Foxes
Jun 2011 (4): Five Foxes
Five Foxes at CSH (Video)
July 2011_ Poppies
'Aerial Feeding'
Heron, fish spotting
Wasps nest
Baby Koi
Goldfinch Fledgling
Bees nest

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 Trophy Cam Gallery