Chestnut Spinney Gallery

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Home|About Us||Image of the Month |Nature NotesSpecial Image of the Month
Gallery 2007-2009|Gallery 2010 | Gallery 2011 | Gallery 2012 | Gallery 2013 | Gallery 2014 | Gallery 2015 | Gallery 2016 | Trophy Cam Gallery
Planting the Pond
Planting the Pond
Boating on the Lake
Boating on the Lake
Definitely not from the pond
Definitely not from the Pond!
The pond in winter
The Pond in Winter
November: Funghi

December Visitor
December: Visitor
January: Snowdrops
Mr Fox
February: Mr Fox
March: A heavy Load
Welcome 'Woody ' to Chestnut Spinney
Welcome 'Woody' to Chestnut Spinney
The family Coot
April: The family Coot
Little Grebe and 'very' Little GrebeThere's more!

May: Little Grebe and 'very' Little Grebe and There's more!

Foxgloves Everywhere
June: Foxgloves Everywhere

'Aerial Feeding'
August: 'Aerial Feeding'
Autumn Sun
September: Autumn Sun
Mr Badger

October: Mr Badger
Sparrowhawk Washing
November: Sparrowhawk Washing
The Shrew

December: Shrew
The Hunt comes to Chestnut Spinney

January: The Hunt comes to Chestnut Spinney

Deep Snow

                           February: Deep Snow
Buzzard on the Nest

April (1): Buzzard on the Nest
Feeding Pheasant

April (2): Feeding Pheasant

Badger Watch

                         April (3): Badger Watch
Buzzard Alarm

July: Buzzard Alarm
Home|About Us||Image of the Month |Nature NotesSpecial Image of the Month
Gallery 2007-2009|Gallery 2010 | Gallery 2011 | Gallery 2012 
 Gallery 2013 | Gallery 2014 | Gallery 2015 | Gallery 2016
 Trophy Cam Gallery